grocery_grocery stores


1.Grocery store 食品杂货商店,我想问;grocery本身就是杂货商店的意思,为什么在g



grocery_grocery stores

Grocery store 食品杂货商店,我想问;grocery本身就是杂货商店的意思,为什么在g

       Grocery 这个字来自 Grocer。

       Grocer 就是卖干粮的人。

       Grocery 本来的意思就是 Grocer 卖粮食的地方。

       但是现在的英语是用 Grocery 或 Groceries 来代表粮食(不包熟食)。

       例如,如果说要买些 Groceries, 就是要买些粮食。

       所以,卖食品的地方要加个 Store 在后面来分清楚。

       Grocery Store 一般是小或中型的店。

       二战后,北美洲中等家庭开始拥有汽车,居住的地方从中心区分散扩张到城郊住宅区,粮食店就改变成大型的粮食杂货 Supermarket 超级市场。而市中心区就出现些每天开店时间长的小型食品杂货商店叫 Convenience Store 便利店。

       所以中型的 Grocery Stores 就越来越少了。但还会用 Grocery Store 来代表卖食品杂货店的统称。


       1、Here’s her?grocery?list of best foods for your skin.


       2、I bought it at the?grocery?store.


       3、the practice of serving yourself (as in a?grocery?or cafeteria).


       4、She runs a thriving?grocery?business


       5、I worked stocking shelves in a?grocery?shop.


       6、Let's use the oft-quoted example of RFID in?grocery?stores.


       7、It was the usual two- story corner building, with a saloon and?grocery?underneath.


       8、Most?grocery?stores refuse to sell them.


       9、He opened a?grocery?store last month



       食品杂货店的英文为grocery; grocery shop。



       In the first movie Tony Curtis ever made he played a grocery clerk.?



       Janet buys food at the grocery store once a week.?


       The grocer accused her of shoplifting and demanded to look in her bag?



       We buy our rice at the nearest grocery.?

       5、零卡已不再局限于食品杂货店,开始走进硅谷一些公司的自助餐厅,同时开始赞助美国职业棒球大联盟奥特兰运动家队(Oakland Athletics)。

       Zevia has begun selling its beverage outside of grocery stores. Its products are sold in the cafeterias of a few Silicon Valley companies and Zevia is a sponsor of Major League Baseball's Oakland Athletics.?


       Asian, especially Korean and Vietnamese grocery stores are common.?

       grocery其实是指杂货,包括一些日常食品生活用具等。grocery store是杂货店。口语里面把store省掉了。











